This last week I was able to learn something new. I'd like to call it an attribute, or a quality, characteristic, maybe even a trait. I feel as though I am that little girl with curled locks of gold who was only in search of 'just the right thing.'
And I found it.
This learning experience was not laid out word for word, or line by line. Rather, it was how I felt when I read each verse and passage. It was something that pricked my heart. Something I knew I had to do better at.
Progression was key at this point in my 'lightbulb' moment. I found something that demanded my interest, and I knew that the next step was to simply, act.
We are told to act. When I used to think of act, I thought of the dreadful four hour test required for college applications while I was in high school. I never liked tests, and that specific one made my loathing even more eminent.
My purpose for this post isn't to preach, but to share. The past few days I learned that what I need to work on in my life was much greater and meant much more meaning than I anticipated. I learned that in order to continue to be a good and righteous person, is to act. To heed a prompting. To not let opportunity pass by due to fear.
I learned that although it is important to be obedient, it is much greater of importance to be obedient quickly. I learned this through reading the example of a man that I have highly admired since I was young. Now that I am older, and I have the focus to look more into the words that I am reading, I see why I admired him so. He was good, he was kind, he was smart, he was obedient quickly and swiftly, and most importantly, without fear.
He was fearless.
He is the example of the person I want to be and become.
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