Saturday, March 15, 2014


I don't like the word death.

It's just a reminder that it is truly real. 

I'll be honest and say I don't want to die. I know my opinion will change once my muscles are weak and my bones no longer hold together, I don't want this life to end, but every day, hour, minute, and second death gets closer. 

Just yesterday I was two years old, riding my mini Barbie tricycle around my backyard, the place where I got all my scars, the visible ones anyhow. Unaware of what "death" was. Seems like just this morning I was picking leaves and flowers to feed the Queen in my outdoor kingdom. (from what I remember, she wasn't impressed)

Now here I am, in my senior year, in High School where I have received more scars, the ones you can't see. I often wonder how time flew by so fast, how my childhood lasted for only a second, a blink of an eye. As I grow older, I realize that life doesn't last forever. Death does and will come, to those I know and love and even to me. I'm not immortal. I'm the exact opposite. Even though it is scary to think about, it's a perfect reminder for me to live my life. Enjoy these times with my friends and family. Learning about death was one of the best things I have ever learned. 


  1. Wow! I've never read your blog, but I'm glad I stumbled upon it! I really liked how you used things that we can really relate to!

  2. Thank you!! I'm glad you like it!!
