Friday, March 7, 2014


Let's get real. 

I'm afraid of growing up.
I'm afraid of spicy food. 
I'm afraid of heights, but my greatest desire is to go sky diving when I turn 18.
I'm afraid of "the cool kids." They intimidate me for some reason.
I'm afraid of singing and dancing in front of people, even my family.
I'm afraid of acceptance.
I'm afraid of college.
I'm especially afraid of college girls who are freaking competitive, mainly because I'm not that way.
I'm afraid I'll never get married. (refer to the above)
I'm afraid of tripping at graduation. (heels or no heels? I mean they make my legs look good. it's official, yes to the heels.)
I'm afraid of trying new things.. I really want to dye my hair dark brown, but then I get my hair done and it looks bomb. Decisions, decisions. Maybe I'll do it one day...or maybe I won't. 
I'm afraid of having a baby. 
I'm afraid of not being a good mom.

I'm afraid of you. 
I'm afraid of what you'll think when you find out who I am behind the pen name. Yes, I know that is ridiculous. 

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what it is, but I just read your blog and I get this calming feeling...
